cucon/po.h: Strict Partial Order

Data Structures

struct  cucon_po
struct  cucon_poelt


#define cucon_po_new()   cucon_po_new_mem(0, 0)
#define cucon_po_cct(po)   cucon_po_cct_mem(po, 0, 0)
#define cucon_po_bot(po)   ((po)->bot)
#define cucon_po_top(po)   ((po)->top)
#define cucon_po_depth(po)   (CU_MARG(cucon_po_t, po)->top->level + 1)
#define cucon_poelt_of_data(data)   CU_ALIGNED_PTR_FROM_END(cucon_poelt_t, data)


typedef cucon_listnode_t cucon_po_ipred_it_t
typedef cucon_listnode_t cucon_po_isucc_it_t


enum  cucon_pocmp_t { cucon_pocmp_eq, cucon_pocmp_prec, cucon_pocmp_succ, cucon_pocmp_unord }


void cucon_po_cct (cucon_po_t po)
void cucon_po_cct_mem (cucon_po_t po, size_t size_bot, size_t size_top)
cucon_po_t cucon_po_new_mem (size_t size_bot, size_t size_top)
void cucon_po_cct_ptr (cucon_po_t po, void *bot, void *top)
cucon_po_t cucon_po_new_ptr (void *bot, void *top)
void cucon_po_cct_2elt (cucon_po_t po, cucon_poelt_t bot, cucon_poelt_t top)
void cucon_po_cct_2elt_cct (cucon_po_t po, cucon_poelt_t bot, cucon_poelt_t top)
cucon_poelt_t cucon_po_bot (cucon_po_t po)
cucon_poelt_t cucon_po_top (cucon_po_t po)
unsigned int cucon_po_depth (cucon_po_t po)
cucon_poelt_t cucon_po_insert_mem (cucon_po_t po, size_t size)
cucon_poelt_t cucon_po_insert_ptr (cucon_po_t po, void *ptr)
void cucon_po_insert_cct (cucon_po_t po, cucon_poelt_t elt)
void cucon_po_insert_constrain (cucon_po_t po, cucon_poelt_t elt, cu_clop(prec, cu_bool_t, void *v0, void *v1))
void cucon_poelt_cct (cucon_poelt_t elt)
cucon_poelt_t cucon_poelt_new_alloc (size_t size)
void * cucon_poelt_get_mem (cucon_poelt_t elt)
void * cucon_poelt_get_ptr (cucon_poelt_t elt)
unsigned int cucon_poelt_level (cucon_poelt_t elt)
cucon_poelt_t cucon_poelt_of_data (void *slot)
cu_bool_t cucon_po_constrain_prec (cucon_po_t po, cucon_poelt_t e0, cucon_poelt_t e1)
cu_bool_t cucon_po_prec (cucon_poelt_t e0, cucon_poelt_t e1)
cu_bool_t cucon_po_preceq (cucon_poelt_t e0, cucon_poelt_t e1)
void cucon_po_iter_open_range (cucon_poelt_t below, cucon_poelt_t above, cu_clop(f, void, cucon_poelt_t))
void cucon_po_iter_left_range (cucon_poelt_t min, cucon_poelt_t above, cu_clop(f, void, cucon_poelt_t))
void cucon_po_iter_right_range (cucon_poelt_t below, cucon_poelt_t max, cu_clop(f, void, cucon_poelt_t))
void cucon_po_iter_closed_range (cucon_poelt_t min, cucon_poelt_t max, cu_clop(f, void, cucon_poelt_t))
void cucon_po_iter_ipreds (cucon_poelt_t e, cu_clop(f, void, cucon_poelt_t))
void cucon_po_iter_isuccs (cucon_poelt_t e, cu_clop(f, void, cucon_poelt_t))
void cucon_po_topological_succs (cucon_poelt_t e, cu_clop(f, void, cucon_poelt_t))
void cucon_po_topological_preds (cucon_poelt_t e, cu_clop(f, void, cucon_poelt_t))
cu_bool_t cucon_poelt_has_single_ipred (cucon_poelt_t e)
cu_bool_t cucon_poelt_has_single_isucc (cucon_poelt_t e)
void cucon_po_range_and_bounds_of_fn (cucon_poelt_t bot, cucon_poelt_t top, cu_clop(cmp, cucon_pocmp_t, cucon_poelt_t), cucon_pmap_t range, cucon_pmap_t ipreds, cucon_pmap_t isuccs)
cucon_po_ipred_it_t cucon_po_ipred_begin (cucon_poelt_t e)
cucon_po_ipred_it_t cucon_po_ipred_end (cucon_poelt_t e)
cucon_po_ipred_it_t cucon_po_ipred_it_next (cucon_po_ipred_it_t it)
cucon_poelt_t cucon_po_ipred_it_get (cucon_po_ipred_it_t it)
cucon_po_isucc_it_t cucon_po_isucc_begin (cucon_poelt_t e)
cucon_po_isucc_it_t cucon_po_isucc_end (cucon_poelt_t e)
cucon_po_isucc_it_t cucon_po_isucc_it_next (cucon_po_isucc_it_t it)
cucon_poelt_t cucon_po_isucc_it_get (cucon_po_isucc_it_t it)
cucon_pmap_t cucon_po_pruned_lspanning (cucon_po_t po, cucon_pmap_t S)
cu_bool_t cucon_po_conj_lspan (cucon_po_t po, cucon_pmap_t S, cu_clop(cb, cu_bool_t, cucon_poelt_t elt))
void cucon_po_lspan_accum (cucon_poelt_t max, cucon_pmap_t accum)
void cucon_po_uspan_accum (cucon_poelt_t min, cucon_pmap_t accum)
cucon_pmap_t cucon_po_lspan (cucon_poelt_t max)
cucon_pmap_t cucon_po_uspan (cucon_poelt_t min)
cucon_pmap_t cucon_po_lspan_isecn (cucon_poelt_t max, cucon_pmap_t S)
cucon_pmap_t cucon_po_uspan_isecn (cucon_poelt_t min, cucon_pmap_t S)
cu_bool_t cucon_po_open_range_accum (cucon_poelt_t below, cucon_poelt_t above, cucon_pmap_t S)
cucon_pmap_t cucon_po_open_range (cucon_poelt_t min, cucon_poelt_t max)
cu_bool_t cucon_po_closed_range_and_succs (cucon_poelt_t min, cucon_poelt_t max, cucon_pmap_t range, cucon_pmap_t succs)
void cucon_po_connected_prune_to_max (cucon_pmap_t S, cucon_poelt_t start)
void cucon_po_connected_prune_to_min (cucon_pmap_t S, cucon_poelt_t start)
cucon_pmap_t cucon_po_inf_of_list (cucon_list_t L)
cucon_pmap_t cucon_po_sup_of_list (cucon_list_t L)
cucon_pmap_t cucon_po_ucollect_reachable_ljunctions (cucon_poelt_t start)
void cucon_po_print_gviz (cucon_po_t po, cu_clop(label, cu_str_t, cucon_poelt_t), FILE *out)
size_t cucon_po_debug_count_connections (cucon_po_t po)
void cucon_po_debug_check_nonredundant (cucon_poelt_t elt)
void cucon_po_debug_dump_gviz (cucon_po_t po, FILE *out)

Detailed Description

This file implements a strict parital order (E, ≺), that is a relation ≺ (precedes) over elements of E where

E contains at least two elements, the bottom ⊥ and top ⊤ such that ∀(xE) ⊥ ≺ x ≺ ⊤. This implementation allows growing the partial order by inserting elements with variable sized value stots, and forcing constraints of the form xy.

Using pointer equality = over elements, we can define the relation ≼ (precedes or equal to) by ∀(x, yE) x ≼ y ⇔ x ≺ y ∨ x = y, which satisfies

This gives the parital order (E, ≼). However, constraints of the form xy can produce equality constraints due to the antisymmetry rule, so forcing such constraints is not possible in an implementation with trivial equality.

Adding a function to replace a closed range of elements with a single element will allow a partial order to be implemented in terms of this implementation.

Define Documentation

cucon_po_t cucon_po_new ( void   )     cucon_po_new_mem(0, 0)

Return a partial order with only bottom and top elements.

Enumeration Type Documentation

The result of comparing to partially ordered elements.


The elements are equal.


The LHS element precedes the RHS.


The LHS element succeeds the RHS.


The elements are unordered.

Function Documentation

cucon_poelt_t cucon_po_bot ( cucon_po_t  po  ) 

Return the bottom element of po.

void cucon_po_cct ( cucon_po_t  po  ) 

Construct po as a partial order with only bottom and top elements.

void cucon_po_cct_2elt_cct ( cucon_po_t  po,
cucon_poelt_t  bot,
cucon_poelt_t  top 

Construct po, bot and top such that po is a partial order with bottom element bot and top element top.

void cucon_po_cct_mem ( cucon_po_t  po,
size_t  size_bot,
size_t  size_top 

Construct po as a partial order with only a bottom element with slot size size_bot and a top element with slot size size_top.

void cucon_po_cct_ptr ( cucon_po_t  po,
void *  bot,
void *  top 

Construct po as a partial order with only a bottom element with its slot equal to bot and a top element with its slot equal to top.

cu_bool_t cucon_po_conj_lspan ( cucon_po_t  po,
cucon_pmap_t  S,
cu_clop(cb, cu_bool_t, cucon_poelt_t elt)   

Sequentially conjunct cb over the lower span of S given the ordering po.

void cucon_po_connected_prune_to_max ( cucon_pmap_t  S,
cucon_poelt_t  start 

Remove from S the successors of start which are not maxima of S.

void cucon_po_connected_prune_to_min ( cucon_pmap_t  S,
cucon_poelt_t  start 

Remove from S the predecessors of start which are not minima of S.

cu_bool_t cucon_po_constrain_prec ( cucon_po_t  po,
cucon_poelt_t  e0,
cucon_poelt_t  e1 

If e1e0, return false, else force the constraint e0e1 and return true.

unsigned int cucon_po_depth ( cucon_po_t  po  ) 

Return the number of elements in the longest chain from cucon_po_bot(po) to cucon_po_top(po).

cucon_pmap_t cucon_po_inf_of_list ( cucon_list_t  L  ) 

Return the set of infimums of the elements in L.

  • L is a non-empty list of elements of the same partial order.
void cucon_po_insert_cct ( cucon_po_t  po,
cucon_poelt_t  elt 

Construct elt, insert it into po such that it is only constrained with respect to the bottom and top elements.

cucon_poelt_t cucon_po_insert_mem ( cucon_po_t  po,
size_t  size 

Return an element with size bytes slot, which is newly constructed and inserted into po, and constrained with respect to the bottom and top elements only.

cucon_poelt_t cucon_po_insert_ptr ( cucon_po_t  po,
void *  ptr 

Return an element which is newly constructed with slot equal to ptr, inserted into po such that it is only constrained with respect to the bottom and top elements.

cucon_po_ipred_it_t cucon_po_ipred_begin ( cucon_poelt_t  e  ) 

Return an iterator to the first element of the range of predecessors of e.

cucon_po_ipred_it_t cucon_po_ipred_end ( cucon_poelt_t  e  ) 

Return an iterator past the last element of the range of predecessors if e.

cucon_poelt_t cucon_po_ipred_it_get ( cucon_po_ipred_it_t  it  ) 

Return the element referred by it in a range of predecessors.

cucon_po_ipred_it_t cucon_po_ipred_it_next ( cucon_po_ipred_it_t  it  ) 

Return the iterator next after it in a range of predecessors.

cucon_po_isucc_it_t cucon_po_isucc_begin ( cucon_poelt_t  e  ) 

Return an iterator to the first element of the range of successors of e.

cucon_po_isucc_it_t cucon_po_isucc_end ( cucon_poelt_t  e  ) 

Return an iterator past the last element of the range of successors of e.

cucon_poelt_t cucon_po_isucc_it_get ( cucon_po_isucc_it_t  it  ) 

Return the element referred by it in a range of successors.

cucon_po_isucc_it_t cucon_po_isucc_it_next ( cucon_po_isucc_it_t  it  ) 

Return the iterator next after it in a range of successors.

void cucon_po_iter_closed_range ( cucon_poelt_t  min,
cucon_poelt_t  max,
cu_clop(f, void, cucon_poelt_t  

Call f(e) for each e such that minemax.

void cucon_po_iter_ipreds ( cucon_poelt_t  e,
cu_clop(f, void, cucon_poelt_t  

Call f(x) for each immediate predecessor x of e.

void cucon_po_iter_isuccs ( cucon_poelt_t  e,
cu_clop(f, void, cucon_poelt_t  

Call f(x) for each immediate successor x of e.

void cucon_po_iter_left_range ( cucon_poelt_t  min,
cucon_poelt_t  above,
cu_clop(f, void, cucon_poelt_t  

Call f(e) for each e such that mineabove.

void cucon_po_iter_open_range ( cucon_poelt_t  below,
cucon_poelt_t  above,
cu_clop(f, void, cucon_poelt_t  

Call f(e) for each e such that beloweabove.

void cucon_po_iter_right_range ( cucon_poelt_t  below,
cucon_poelt_t  max,
cu_clop(f, void, cucon_poelt_t  

Call f(e) for each e such that belowemax'.

cucon_pmap_t cucon_po_lspan ( cucon_poelt_t  max  ) 

Return the set of predecessors of max.

void cucon_po_lspan_accum ( cucon_poelt_t  max,
cucon_pmap_t  accum 

Accumulate the lower span of max into accum.

accum is downwards closed (fulfilled by the empty set).
accum is downwards closed.
cucon_pmap_t cucon_po_lspan_isecn ( cucon_poelt_t  max,
cucon_pmap_t  S 

Return the set of xS such that xmax.

cucon_po_t cucon_po_new_mem ( size_t  size_bot,
size_t  size_top 

Return a partial order with only a bottom element with slot size size_bot and a top element with slot size size_top.

cucon_po_t cucon_po_new_ptr ( void *  bot,
void *  top 

Return a partial order with only a bottom element with its slot equal to bot and a top element with its slot equal to top.

cucon_pmap_t cucon_po_open_range ( cucon_poelt_t  min,
cucon_poelt_t  max 

Return the range (below, above).

cu_bool_t cucon_po_open_range_accum ( cucon_poelt_t  below,
cucon_poelt_t  above,
cucon_pmap_t  S 

Accumulate range (below, above) into S and return true iff belowabove.

cu_bool_t cucon_po_prec ( cucon_poelt_t  e0,
cucon_poelt_t  e1 

True iff e0e1.

cu_bool_t cucon_po_preceq ( cucon_poelt_t  e0,
cucon_poelt_t  e1 

True iff e0e1.

void cucon_po_print_gviz ( cucon_po_t  po,
cu_clop(label, cu_str_t, cucon_poelt_t ,
FILE *  out 

Print po to out in graphviz format, with labels according to label.

void cucon_po_range_and_bounds_of_fn ( cucon_poelt_t  bot,
cucon_poelt_t  top,
cu_clop(cmp, cucon_pocmp_t, cucon_poelt_t ,
cucon_pmap_t  range,
cucon_pmap_t  ipreds,
cucon_pmap_t  isuccs 

Given search limits bot and top, and the predicate cmp which classifies elements by cucon_pocmp_eq, cucon_pocmp_prec, cucon_pocmp_succ, and cucon_pocmp_unord, in a way consistent with the ordering as if describing a virtual subrange of [bot, top], this function inserts the range into range, the immediate predecessors into ipreds and the immediate successors into isuccs. By consistent with the ordering it is meant that if e is classified as cucon_pocmp_eq, then all its successors must be classified as either cucon_pocmp_eq or cucon_pocmp_succ, etc. Note that need not return cucon_pocmp_eq on any existing element, but it must return cucon_pocmp_succ or cucon_pocmp_eq for bot and cocon_pocmp_prec or cucon_pocmp_eq for top.

cucon_pmap_t cucon_po_sup_of_list ( cucon_list_t  L  ) 

Return the set of supremums of the elements in L.

  • L is a non-empty list of elements of the same partial order.
cucon_poelt_t cucon_po_top ( cucon_po_t  po  ) 

Return the top element of po.

void cucon_po_topological_succs ( cucon_poelt_t  e,
cu_clop(f, void, cucon_poelt_t  

Call f(x) for x = e and each successor of e such when f(x) is called before f(y) iff xy.

cucon_pmap_t cucon_po_uspan ( cucon_poelt_t  min  ) 

Return the set of successors of min.

void cucon_po_uspan_accum ( cucon_poelt_t  min,
cucon_pmap_t  accum 

Accumulate the upper span of min into accum.

accum is upwards closed (fulfilled by the empty set).
accum is upwards closed.
cucon_pmap_t cucon_po_uspan_isecn ( cucon_poelt_t  min,
cucon_pmap_t  S 

Return the set of xS such that minx.

void* cucon_poelt_get_mem ( cucon_poelt_t  elt  ) 

Return a pointer to the slot of elt.

void* cucon_poelt_get_ptr ( cucon_poelt_t  elt  ) 

Assuming elt has a pointer slot, return the pointer.

cu_bool_t cucon_poelt_has_single_ipred ( cucon_poelt_t  e  ) 

True iff e has a single predecessor.

cu_bool_t cucon_poelt_has_single_isucc ( cucon_poelt_t  e  ) 

True iff e has a single successor.

unsigned int cucon_poelt_level ( cucon_poelt_t  elt  ) 

Return the topological level of elt.

cucon_poelt_t cucon_poelt_of_data ( void *  slot  ) 

Return the element with slot at slot.

Generated 2009-11-23 for culibs-0.25 using Doxygen. Maintained by Petter Urkedal.